Days of the week in English: Comprehension exercise

the days of the week in english

Understanding the Days of the Week in English: Effective Exercise and Answers

Learning English is always exciting and interesting. One of the important parts of learning a language is learning the order of the days of the week. Today we offer you an interesting exercise that will help test your understanding of the days of the week in English.

To better remember the sequence of days of the week, use mnemonics and associations. Think of interesting facts and characteristics that correspond to each day and match them with the corresponding names of the days of the week. Example:

  1. Monday: The start of the workweek. You can associate “M” for “Monday” with “Money,” inspiring you to begin work to earn money.
  2. Tuesday: “T” for “Tuesday” and “Two.” Tuesday has “t” and “u,” which resemble the number “two.”
  3. Wednesday: The day that divides the week. “W” for “Wednesday” and “Week” can be associated with the concept of dividing the week.
  4. Thursday: Associate it with “Thor,” the god of thunder and lightning. “Th” for “Thursday” can remind you of “Thor.”
  5. Friday: The start of the weekend. “F” for “Friday” and “Free” can suggest the idea of a free day.
  6. Saturday: “S” for “Saturday,” and both “Saturday” and “S” start with the same letter.
  7. Sunday: The day of the sun. “S” for “Sunday” and the association with the word “Sun.”

These associations can help you remember the days of the week in English more easily.

There are 10 questions in front of you and you have to give a short one word answer. So let’s consider these questions:

1. What day is before Saturday?
2. What day is after Wednesday?
3. What day is after Sunday?
4. What day is before Tuesday?
5. What day is two days after Thursday?
6. What day is before Monday?
7. What day is after Monday?
8. What day is before Thursday?
9. What is the third day of the week?
10. What day does school begin?

The answers to these questions will help you test how well you understand the order of the days of the week in English. Such exercises help to consolidate the acquired knowledge and make the process of learning English even more interesting.

Do not forget to revise and practice English regularly to improve your knowledge. We wish you success in studying and learning English!

Try to answer the question about the order of the days of the week in English

the days of the week in english

Practice. Days of the week in English

Answer the question in one word

What is the third day of the week?

What day is after Wednesday?

What day is two days after Thursday?

What day does school begin?

What day is before Monday?

What day is after Sunday?

What day is after Monday?

What day is before Thursday?

What day is before Tuesday?

What day is before Saturday?

Your score is


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