Difference between specially and especially

Especially or specially ?

What is the Difference Between Specially and Especially?

In English, the words specially and especially are often confused because both are used to emphasize a certain feature or importance. However, they have different meanings and are used in different contexts.

Specially emphasizes that something is done for a particular purpose or situation:

  • This dress was specially made for her wedding.

Especially highlights something as being special among general statements:

  • I like many types of music, especially jazz.

Let’s take a closer look at when and how to use each word correctly.

Specially: Meaning, Grammar, and Examples

Meaning of Specially

Specially is an adverb that indicates something is done or prepared for a specific purpose or special situation. It emphasizes that an action or object has a special purpose. It is often used when referring to something that was created or done with particular requirements or conditions in mind.

Key Meanings of Specially

  1. Made or done for someone or something specifically:
    • When something is created or organized with the intention of fulfilling a particular need or performing a special function, specially is used.
  2. Prepared for a specific purpose:
    • When an item or action is aimed at achieving a particular result or suits a specific event.

Grammar of Specially

Specially always functions as an adverb and typically appears before the verb it modifies or at the end of a sentence to emphasize a specific action. As an adverb, it describes how or for what purpose something was done.

Typical Grammatical Structures with Specially

  1. Before the verb:
    • The machine was specially built for this project.
      (In this case, specially indicates that the machine was built with a specific purpose in mind.)
  2. At the end of the sentence:
    • This software was developed specially for educational purposes.
      (Specially highlights that the software was created with a focus on educational use.)
  3. Modifying verbs:
    • He speaks specially to the guests who need translation.
      (Here, specially clarifies that the speaker is addressing a particular group of guests.)

Examples of Using Specially

  1. The shoes were specially designed for athletes.
    • In this example, specially emphasizes that the shoes have a specific purpose for athletes.
  2. This menu was specially prepared to meet your dietary requirements.
    • It indicates that the menu was created with specific needs in mind.
  3. She wore a dress that was specially made for the occasion.
    • Shows that the dress was made for a specific event.
  4. The report was specially written to address the board’s concerns.
    • The report was created with a particular goal in mind.
  5. They arrived early, specially to help with the preparations.
    • Indicates that their early arrival was planned with a specific purpose.

When to Use Specially?

  • When something is done with a specific goal:
    • If an object or action is performed with a clear purpose or for someone specific, use specially. For instance, if a product is created or an event is organized with certain conditions or requirements in mind.
  • To emphasize the uniqueness of an event or item:
    • Use specially when you want to highlight that something was made for a particular situation or event.

Remember that specially always emphasizes a particular goal or task. Unlike especially, which highlights importance among other things, specially indicates that something was done specifically for a certain purpose or situation.

Especially: Meaning, Grammar, and Examples

Meaning of Especially

“Especially” is an adverb used to emphasize or highlight something that stands out as more significant or noteworthy compared to other things. It indicates that a particular item or part of a sentence carries more importance or weight than other elements in the statement. “Especially” is often applied when we want to point out that a specific thing or action is more noticeable or important in a given context.

Core Meanings

  1. Particularly or specifically:
    “Especially” is used when we want to highlight a particular item or event that is more important or distinctive than others.
  2. To a greater degree than others:
    This word emphasizes that something stands out among other options or holds greater significance.

Grammar of Especially

“Especially” is an adverb typically used before adjectives, other adverbs, or entire phrases that it seeks to emphasize. It can also be positioned at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis or at the end of a sentence after the highlighted element.

Common Grammatical Constructions with Especially

  1. Before adjectives and other adverbs:
    This book is especially interesting for students.
    Here, “especially” emphasizes that the book is particularly interesting to students.
  2. Before entire phrases or sentences:
    I love traveling, especially to new countries.
    In this case, “especially” points out that new countries are particularly appealing compared to other places.
  3. At the end of a sentence for emphasis:
    He is good at many sports, especially tennis.
    Here, “especially” highlights that tennis is the sport in which he excels the most.

Examples of Especially in Use

  1. I love Italian food, especially pasta.
    — “Especially” highlights pasta as the favorite dish among Italian cuisine.
  2. She is especially talented in mathematics.
    — This indicates that among other subjects, mathematics is where her talent shines the most.
  3. I enjoy all seasons, especially summer.
    — Summer stands out as the favorite season among the others.
  4. He was especially proud of his latest project.
    — The project is distinguished as the most significant among his accomplishments.
  5. The children were especially happy when they saw the fireworks.
    — The fireworks became the event that brought the greatest joy.

When to Use Especially

  1. To emphasize particular importance:
    When you need to highlight something as especially important among other things, use “especially.” For example, if you like all fruits but strawberries are your favorite, you would say: I like all fruits, especially strawberries.
  2. When one thing stands out among others:
    If one thing is more significant or carries more importance in a given situation, use “especially.” For instance: She enjoys all genres of music, especially classical.

Comparison of Specially and Especially

Let’s examine a detailed table comparing “specially” and “especially”:

MeaningMade for a specific purpose or situation.Highlights something as special or important compared to others.
Examples of MeaningSpecifically created or prepared for someone/something.Emphasizes particular importance or preference of something over another.
When to UseWhen something is done with a specific goal or for a particular event.When you want to emphasize the importance of something among other things.
Usage ExamplesThe cake was specially made for your birthday. (The cake was specifically made for your birthday.)I like many fruits, but I especially love strawberries. (I like many fruits, but I particularly love strawberries.)
FunctionEmphasizes a specific purpose or intention.Highlights something important among other things.
Typical ConstructionsUsed with verbs describing preparation or creation (e.g., specially made, specially designed).Often used for comparison or emphasis (e.g., especially important, especially useful).
Relation to the WordRelated to the word “special” — indicates a specific purpose.Related to highlighting something as more important or better.

How to Remember the Difference

  • Specially is related to the word special, which highlights something unique or made for a specific purpose.
  • Especially is used to emphasize something as more important or outstanding compared to other items in a group.

To avoid confusing these words, focus on the context. Use specially when referring to something created with a specific goal in mind. Use especially when you need to highlight or emphasize something among others.

Exercise: Insert Specially or Especially

  1. This software was _______ created for people who work from home.
  2. He is _______ proud of his daughter’s achievements in science.
  3. These shoes were _______ designed for running on rough terrain.
  4. I love all animals, but I am _______ fond of cats.
  5. The team worked _______ hard to finish the project on time.
  6. The room was _______ decorated for the birthday party.
  7. She enjoys cooking, _______ when she can try out new recipes.
  8. The book was written _______ for children, but adults can enjoy it too.
  9. He came _______ early to help with the preparations.
  10. I like all types of movies, but I _______ enjoy comedies.


  1. Specially
  2. Especially
  3. Specially
  4. Especially
  5. Especially
  6. Specially
  7. Especially
  8. Specially
  9. Specially
  10. Especially

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