ESL Vocabulary Exercises – Test (Quizzes)

Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test – ESL Vocabulary Exercises

When learning English, it is essential to not only understand individual words but also to grasp how they are used in different contexts. In this article, we will explore vocabulary that covers various aspects of life—from emotions and sounds to natural phenomena and human interactions. Each word is explained with examples to help you better understand its meaning and how to use it in real situations. After reviewing the material, you can take the test to assess how well you’ve learned the new words and their usage.

Task – ESL Vocabulary Exercises

In this vocabulary test, you will need to choose the correct option to complete the sentences. To begin, click “Start.”


Practice. Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test - ESL Vocabulary Exercises (quiz)

Philosophers try to find out the ............... of life.

We had to climb ............... a steep path to reach the house on the top of the hill.

The famous pianist Abdurrahmanovich is ............... with the İstanbul Metropolitan Orchestra tonight.

We do not have adequate information to make a decision. Adequate means ............... .

He had plenty of time to sit ............... the scenery.

Now, ............... the ball to the person on your right.

Last year a lot of women preferred long skirts. But, this year short skirts are in ............... again.

My memories of you are so warm and ............... that I am sure I can never forget you.

The winner of the competition is going to receive a ............... of 20 000 $.

Oh, he's so big-headed. I can't ............... him.

Everywhere they ............... for water they struck oil.

The baby is ............... . Her diaper needs changing.

Then it started to rain heavily and everyone ran for ............... .

............... so much of their time together has deepened their friendship.

The lawyer's ............... was unusually high.

He is not a skilled worker. He doesn't ............... much.

Listen! Do you hear that funny ............... coming from the kitchen?

She ............... me up and gave me a friendly smile.

We keep the ............... copies of all our reports in a special master file.

A man was struck by ............... and killed as he ran for shelter.

Your score is


ESL Vocabulary Exercises: Word Explanations

Describing Physical States and Feelings

  • Thirsty
    Definition: Feeling the need to drink.
    Example: I was very thirsty after the run.
  • Sleepy
    Definition: Feeling tired and wanting to sleep.
    Example: I’m feeling sleepy, I think I’ll go to bed.
  • Cold
    Definition: Feeling a drop in body temperature or being chilled.
    Example: The room was so cold that I needed a blanket.
  • Wet
    Definition: Covered with water or another liquid.
    Example: Her clothes were wet from the rain.
  • Busy
    Definition: Being occupied with tasks or responsibilities.
    Example: He was too busy to answer the phone.
  • Frightened
    Definition: Feeling scared or fearful.
    Example: The loud noise frightened the child.
  • Deep
    Definition: Describing emotional intensity or significance.
    Example: Her love for him was deep.
  • Unkind
    Definition: Showing a lack of kindness or being rude.
    Example: It was unkind of him to say such things.
  • Warm
    Definition: Pleasantly hot, or emotionally friendly and caring.
    Example: She gave me a warm smile.
  • Sadness
    Definition: The state of feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
    Example: The sadness in her eyes was evident.

Financial Terms

  • Fare
    Definition: Payment for transportation.
    Example: The bus fare is $2.
  • Fee
    Definition: Money paid for a service.
    Example: The lawyer’s fee was very high.
  • Price
    Definition: The cost of a product or service.
    Example: What is the price of this car?
  • Prize
    Definition: A reward or award for achievement.
    Example: She won the first prize in the competition.
  • Cost
    Definition: The amount of money required to purchase something.
    Example: The cost of the meal was $50.
  • Account
    Definition: A bank account or financial document.
    Example: I checked my bank account online.

Terms Describing Activities

  • Conducting
    Definition: Managing an orchestra or musical group.
    Example: He is conducting the orchestra.
  • Harmonising
    Definition: Creating harmony or agreement in sounds.
    Example: The singers are harmonising beautifully.
  • Dealing
    Definition: Managing or handling something.
    Example: He’s dealing with a lot of stress at work.
  • Playing
    Definition: Performing a musical piece or participating in a game.
    Example: She’s playing the piano tonight.
  • Becoming
    Definition: The process of transforming into something or someone.
    Example: He is becoming more confident.

Terms Describing Fashion and Popularity

  • Fashion
    Definition: A popular style in clothing or manners.
    Example: Long skirts are back in fashion.
  • Absence
    Definition: The state of being without someone or something.
    Example: Her absence was felt at the meeting.
  • Respect
    Definition: High regard or esteem.
    Example: He has great respect for his teacher.
  • Popular
    Definition: Widely known or favored.
    Example: The new movie is very popular.
  • Reply
    Definition: A response to a question or request.
    Example: She didn’t reply to my email.

Describing Movement and Actions

  • Up
    Definition: To move in a direction higher.
    Example: We climbed up the hill.
  • Onto
    Definition: Movement to a surface.
    Example: He jumped onto the table.
  • Down
    Definition: To move to a lower position.
    Example: They walked down the stairs.
  • Into
    Definition: Movement toward the inside of something.
    Example: She went into the house.
  • Up to
    Definition: Movement toward a specific point or place.
    Example: We walked up to the top of the hill.

Describing Earnings and Financial Achievements

  • Earn
    Definition: To receive money for work or services.
    Example: She earns a good salary.
  • Win
    Definition: To receive a prize or victory.
    Example: He won the race.
  • Gain
    Definition: To acquire something useful or valuable.
    Example: He gained a lot of experience during his internship.
  • Afford
    Definition: To have enough money to purchase something.
    Example: I can’t afford a new car right now.
  • Pay
    Definition: To give money for services or goods.
    Example: I need to pay the bill.

Describing Important and Fundamental Concepts

  • Original
    Definition: The first or initial version.
    Example: This is the original painting.
  • Primitive
    Definition: Very simple or ancient.
    Example: The tools they used were very primitive.
  • Characteristic
    Definition: A feature or trait that distinguishes something.
    Example: Her kindness is a characteristic trait.
  • Basic
    Definition: Simple or fundamental things.
    Example: The basic principles of math are easy to understand.
  • Ordinary
    Definition: Something that is not distinguished by anything special.
    Example: It was just an ordinary day.

Describing Forecasts and Situations

  • Forecast
    Definition: Prediction of events or weather conditions.
    Example: The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow.
  • Prediction
    Definition: Anticipation of the future based on certain information.
    Example: His prediction about the match turned out to be correct.
  • Warning
    Definition: A message about potential danger or threat.
    Example: We received a warning about the storm.
  • Situation
    Definition: A set of circumstances or current conditions.
    Example: The situation is getting worse.
  • Circumstance
    Definition: A fact or condition that affects events.
    Example: Under the current circumstances, we cannot proceed.

Terms Describing Sounds and Their Characteristics

  • Noise
    Definition: An unwanted or loud sound.
    Example: The noise from the construction kept me awake.
  • Sound
    Definition: Something that can be heard.
    Example: I heard a strange sound coming from the basement.
  • Echo
    Definition: A sound that is repeated after bouncing off a surface.
    Example: The mountains echoed our voices.
  • Silence
    Definition: The absence of sounds or noise.
    Example: The silence in the room was unsettling.
  • Volume
    Definition: The level of loudness of a sound.
    Example: Can you turn down the volume?

Describing Time and Duration Characteristics

  • Length
    Definition: The extent of something from start to finish.
    Example: The length of the river is 300 kilometers.
  • Duration
    Definition: The length of time an event lasts.
    Example: The duration of the movie was two hours.
  • Interval
    Definition: A break or gap between events.
    Example: There was a 15-minute interval between acts.
  • Period
    Definition: A segment of time.
    Example: They worked hard over a long period of time.
  • Moment
    Definition: A very short span of time.
    Example: Wait a moment, I’ll be right back.

Describing Quantitative Characteristics

  • Amount
    Definition: A specific quantity of something, usually uncountable.
    Example: The amount of sugar in this recipe is too high.
  • Number
    Definition: A unit for counting things or objects.
    Example: The number of students in the class is 30.
  • Sum
    Definition: The total quantity of something, usually money or figures.
    Example: The sum of 5 and 10 is 15.
  • Total
    Definition: The final quantity of something.
    Example: The total cost was $100.
  • Portion
    Definition: A part of something larger.
    Example: I only ate a small portion of the cake.

Terms Describing Change and Development

  • Change
    Definition: The process of becoming different.
    Example: The change in the weather was sudden.
  • Increase
    Definition: The process of becoming larger or greater in quantity.
    Example: There was an increase in the number of visitors.
  • Decrease
    Definition: The process of becoming smaller.
    Example: The decrease in temperature was noticeable.
  • Development
    Definition: The process of growth or improvement.
    Example: The development of new technology is rapid.
  • Transformation
    Definition: A significant change in the form or nature of something.
    Example: The transformation of the city was remarkable.

Describing Interaction Between People and Events

  • Argument
    Definition: A discussion between people with differing views.
    Example: They had an argument about the best way to solve the problem.
  • Conversation
    Definition: An exchange of thoughts and ideas between two or more people.
    Example: We had a long conversation about the project.
  • Discussion
    Definition: An official or unofficial debate on a topic.
    Example: The discussion about the new policy lasted for hours.
  • Interaction
    Definition: Communication or engagement between people or objects.
    Example: The interaction between the teacher and the students was very positive.
  • Negotiation
    Definition: The process of discussing terms of an agreement or decision.
    Example: The negotiation over the contract took weeks.

Describing Elements of Nature

  • Rain
    Definition: The falling of water from the atmosphere in droplets.
    Example: It started to rain just as we were leaving.
  • Snow
    Definition: White ice crystals that fall from the sky in cold weather.
    Example: The snow covered the entire landscape.
  • Storm
    Definition: Intense weather conditions with strong winds, rain, or snow.
    Example: The storm knocked down several trees.
  • Sunshine
    Definition: Direct light from the sun.
    Example: The sunshine made the day feel warm.
  • Cloud
    Definition: A large mass of moist air that gathers in white or gray shapes in the sky.
    Example: The clouds blocked out the sun.

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