Test your knowledge of animals in English

Test your knowledge of English words about animals
Today we will talk about animals and improve our English language skills. The animal world is very interesting and diverse, and knowing new words will help you better express your thoughts and expand your vocabulary. Let’s look at some animals and try a quiz to test your knowledge.
Names of animals in English with transcription
Words | Transcription |
zebra | /ˈziːbrə/ |
bull | /bʊl/ |
elephant | /ˈɛlɪfənt/ |
bat | /bæt/ |
dog | /dɒɡ/ |
foal | /foʊl/ |
rabbit | /ˈræbɪt/ |
calf | /kæf/ |
lamb | /læm/ |
puppy | /ˈpʌpi/ |
kitten | /ˈkɪtən/ |
tiger | /ˈtaɪɡər/ |
donkey | /ˈdɒŋki/ |
sheep | /ʃiːp/ |
hippopotamus | /ˌhɪpəˈpɑːtəməs/ |
horse | /hɔːrs/ |
owl | /aʊl/ |
panda | /ˈpændə/ |
giraffe | /dʒɪˈrɑːf/ |
cow | /kaʊ/ |
whale | /weɪl/ |
eagle | /ˈiːɡl̩/ |
butterfly | /ˈbʌtərflaɪ/ |
mouse | /maʊs/ |
English language test: Animals (vocabulary exercises)