Difference between of, from and by: How to use correctly?

Grammar and rules for using of, from and by. Test to check knowledge

Understanding the Prepositions of, from, and by: Grammar Rules and Usage

Prepositions are essential components of the English language, and among the most frequently used are of, from, and by. Each of these prepositions has unique characteristics and specific contexts where they are best applied. A clear understanding of these prepositions is crucial for constructing precise and comprehensible sentences. In this article, we will explore how and when to use each of these prepositions, accompanied by examples to deepen your understanding.

The Preposition of

The preposition of typically indicates possession, a part of a whole, or the material something is made from. In other words, it emphasizes the relationship between two objects.


  • A glass of water – This phrase indicates that the water is contained within the glass, highlighting their connection.
  • The sound of music – Here, of shows that the sound belongs to the music.

The Preposition from

From is used to denote a source, starting point, or origin. It helps to clarify where something or someone has come from or originates.


  • I am from Ukraine – This sentence indicates the speaker’s place of origin.
  • This letter is from my friend – In this case, from tells us that the letter was sent by someone.

The Preposition by

The preposition by is often employed to indicate the doer of an action in passive constructions or to denote the means or method of accomplishing something. Additionally, it can indicate the location of something nearby.


  • The book was written by a famous author – Here, by shows who performed the action.
  • We traveled by train – In this context, by indicates the mode of transportation.

Understanding the differences between these prepositions will enable you to express your thoughts more accurately and use English more grammatically correct. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each preposition, examining their applications in various contexts.

The Preposition of: Grammar, Usage Rules, and Meaning

The preposition of is commonly used in the English language to denote possession, the relationship of part to whole, and the material from which something is made. Let’s explore the main ways of is used.

1. Indicating Possession or Belonging

Of is used to express that one object belongs to another or to specify a person to whom something belongs. This usage is similar to the possessive case (‘s), but of is often preferred in formal writing or speech.


  • The roof of the house – This indicates that the roof belongs to the house.
  • A friend of mine – This shows that the person referred to is a friend of the speaker.

2. Part of a Whole

When discussing a part of something, of is used to illustrate that relationship. This usage clarifies that an item or group consists of a certain quantity of something.


  • A piece of cake – This indicates that the piece is part of the whole cake.
  • A group of students – Here, of shows that the group consists of students.

3. Material Composition

Of is also used to specify the material from which an object is made. In such cases, it indicates the composition or content of the object.


  • A table made of wood – This shows that the table is constructed from wood.
  • A cup of tea – In this case, of refers to the content within the cup.

4. Indicating Quantity or Measure

The preposition of is used to indicate the quantity or measure of something. This usage helps specify the exact amount or degree.


  • A lot of people – This phrase describes a large number of individuals.
  • A spoonful of sugar – Here, of indicates the quantity of sugar.

5. Indicating Relationship or Characteristic

Of can express a characteristic or feature of the object or person being described, adding clarification about the qualities of the subject.


  • A man of great wisdom – This describes a characteristic of the person.
  • A book of historical value – Here, of describes a particular feature of the book.

Key Usage Rules for of

  • Following Quantitative Nouns: Of is typically used after words indicating quantity, such as some, all, none, most, and a few.
    • Example: Some of the students left early.
  • Indicating Ownership for Inanimate Objects: Of is used to denote ownership when referring to inanimate objects. For animate beings, the possessive case (‘s) is generally preferred.
    • Example: The title of the book – This refers to the object (the book), not a person.
  • Describing Material or Content: Of is employed to indicate what something is made of or what another object contains.
    • Example: A glass of water – This specifies the content of the glass.
  • With Nouns Indicating Characteristics or Qualities: Of is used to connect these nouns with others.
    • Example: A woman of courage – This indicates a characteristic of the woman.

Additional Examples

  • The color of the car – Indicates possession.
  • A team of experts – Specifies the composition of the team.
  • The idea of freedom – Describes an abstract concept related to the idea.
  • The sound of music – Indicates the source of the sound.

Of is a versatile preposition that is most often used to indicate possession, part of a whole, material, content, and quantity. Proper usage of this preposition helps make your language clearer and more understandable. Keep these rules in mind when using of in your expressions.

Preposition “from”: Grammar, Usage Rules, and Meaning

The preposition “from” is used in English to indicate origin, source, or the beginning of movement or processes. It helps specify where something comes from or where something begins.

1. Origin or Source

“From” is often used to show where someone or something originates. This can refer to a place, person, thing, or abstract source.


  • She is from Italy — indicates the country of origin.
  • The letter is from my friend — identifies the source that sent it.
  • This quote is from a famous book — indicates where the quote is taken from.

2. Beginning of Movement or Action

“From” is used when you need to show the starting point of movement or action. It indicates the location from which movement began or the moment when an action started.


  • He walked from the park to his home — shows the place where he started moving.
  • The train departs from Platform 2 — indicates the departure location.

3. Cause or Source of Change

“From” is often used to denote the cause or source of a change in state, emotions, or physical sensations. It shows why or through what a certain change occurred.


  • She is tired from working all day — the reason for her tiredness.
  • He became stronger from practicing every day — the reason for his strengthening.

4. Difference Between Objects

“From” is used to compare or highlight differences between two objects. It helps indicate contrast or distinction.


  • English is different from Spanish — highlights the difference between the languages.
  • Her style is very different from mine — shows the distinction between styles.

5. Material from Which Something is Made

Although this is a less common usage, “from” can also indicate the material from which something is made, especially when the focus is on the manufacturing process or the source of the material.


  • Wine is made from grapes — shows the raw material used to make wine.
  • Paper is made from wood — indicates the source of the raw material.

Basic Usage Rules for “from”

  • To Indicate Origin: “From” is used when showing the place or source from which someone or something originates. Example: She received a postcard from Paris.
  • To Indicate the Beginning of Movement: “From” indicates the place from which movement begins. Example: The bus leaves from the central station.
  • To Describe the Cause of Changes: “From” is used when a change occurs due to a specific factor or action. Example: His hands were red from the cold.
  • For Comparison and Highlighting Differences: “From” is used to emphasize the difference between objects. Example: This cake tastes different from the last one.

Additional Examples

  • The smell of flowers came from the garden — indicates the source of the smell.
  • I borrowed this book from the library — indicates where the book was obtained.
  • He learned a lot from his mistakes — indicates the reason for his learning.

The preposition “from” plays an important role in indicating source, origin, the beginning of movement, or the cause of changes. Its correct usage allows for clear expression and conveys essential information about the origin or source of something. By following these rules, you can confidently and correctly use “from” in your English communication.

Preposition “by”: Grammar, Usage Rules, and Meaning

The preposition by is used in various contexts in the English language. It can indicate the doer of an action, the means or method of performing something, location, and time. Let’s explore the main cases of its usage:

1. Indicating the Doer of an Action (Passive Voice)

In passive constructions, by specifies who or what performs the action on the object.


  • The book was written by a famous author.
  • The cake was made by my mom.

2. Means or Method of Action

By is used to indicate the means or method through which something is accomplished, such as transport, tools, or means of communication.


  • He traveled by train.
  • She sent the document by email.
  • I prefer to pay by credit card.

3. Indicating Location

By can show the location where something is situated or happening, often implying that the object or action is nearby.


  • The house is by the river.
  • She stood by the door, waiting for him.

4. Indicating Time

By marks the deadline by which something must be completed or finished.


  • Please finish the report by Friday.
  • He should be here by noon.

5. Method of Action

By is also used to explain the method or way something is done.


  • You can improve your English by practicing every day.
  • He stayed healthy by eating well and exercising.

Basic Usage Rules for “by”

  • Doer in Passive Constructions: By indicates who performed the action.
    Example: The novel was published by a well-known publisher.
  • Means or Method: Used to specify transportation, tools, or ways of doing something.
    Example: He commutes to work by bus.
  • Location Next to Something: Indicates proximity to another object or entity.
    Example: There’s a small shop by the main road.
  • Deadline: Marks a point in time by which an action must be completed.
    Example: Submit your application by 5 p.m.
  • Method of Action: Explains how or by what means something is accomplished.
    Example: She learned French by watching French movies.

Additional Examples

  • The painting was created by a talented artist. — indicates the doer of the action.
  • I contacted her by phone. — specifies the means of communication.
  • Let’s meet by the fountain. — indicates a location.
  • He must complete the task by tomorrow. — indicates a deadline.
  • She stays fit by going to the gym regularly. — explains the method of staying fit.

The preposition by allows for precise communication about who is performing an action, how it is being done, as well as the location and time of the action, making English expression clearer and more understandable.

The Difference Between “of,” “from,” and “by”

  1. The Preposition “of”

The preposition “of” is often used to indicate possession, a part of a whole, or to describe what something is made from. It also shows a connection between things or ideas.

  • Indicating Possession:
    • The cover of the book — The cover belongs to the book.
  • Part of a Whole:
    • A slice of pizza — A part of the whole pizza.
  • Material or Composition:
    • A glass of water — A glass filled with water.

“Of” is typically used when showing the relationship between two objects, emphasizing possession, material, or origin.

  1. The Preposition “from”

The preposition “from” indicates the source of origin or the starting point. It is used to denote where something comes from, where someone is from, or where an action begins.

  • Source or Origin:
    • I’m from Ukraine — Place of origin.
  • Starting Point in Time or Place:
    • The train departs from the station — Point of departure.
  • Material or Product Origin:
    • This juice is made from fresh oranges — What it is made from.

Use “from” when talking about where something appears, originates, or where something starts.

  1. The Preposition “by”

“By” usually indicates the doer of the action, the means by which an action is performed, or the location. It can be used to denote who performed an action and to indicate the method or means.

  • Doer of the Action in Passive Constructions:
    • The song was sung by a famous singer — Who performed the action.
  • Means or Method:
    • She travels by plane — The means of travel.
  • Indicating Location Next to Something:
    • The restaurant is by the lake — Location.

“By” is best used when you want to specify who or what performed the action or to emphasize the way something is achieved.

Comparison of “of,” “from,” and “by” in Different Situations

  • Indicating Possession or Origin:
    • The sound of the wind — “of” indicates that the sound comes from the wind.
    • This package is from Spain — “from” indicates the place the package came from.
  • Describing an Action Performed by Someone:
    • The report was written by the manager — “by” indicates the doer of the action.
    • The work of the manager — “of” indicates that the work belongs to the manager.
  • Describing Means or Method:
    • Travel by car — “by” shows the means of travel.
    • A piece of bread — “of” indicates a part of the whole (bread).

Key Takeaways

  • Use “of” to indicate possession or belonging.
  • Use “from” when referring to the source or starting point of something.
  • Use “by” to indicate the doer of an action in passive voice or the means by which an action is performed.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with “of,” “from,” or “by”

  1. The song was written ___ a famous composer.
  2. He received a gift ___ his best friend.
  3. She is the CEO ___ a large company.
  4. The park is located right next to the river and is surrounded ___ trees.
  5. This vase is made ___ fine porcelain.
  6. I borrowed this book ___ the library.
  7. They travel ___ car whenever they go on holiday.
  8. The beautiful painting was created ___ a talented artist.
  9. She ordered a cup ___ coffee and a piece ___ cake.
  10. The train departs ___ Platform 5 at 8:00 AM.
  11. These pictures were taken ___ my cousin during his vacation.
  12. The scent ___ fresh flowers filled the entire room.


  1. by
  2. from
  3. of
  4. by
  5. of
  6. from
  7. by
  8. by
  9. of, of
  10. from
  11. by
  12. of

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