Synonym practice for words beginning with ‘A’

Find the synonym of the underlined word

Exercise on Synonyms for Words Beginning with the Letter “A”

In this exercise, you need to find a synonym for the word in bold within the sentence. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings but differ in sound and spelling. Knowing synonyms can help expand your vocabulary and improve text comprehension. Today, we are focusing on words in our exercise that start with the letter “A.”

Steps to Complete the Exercise:

  1. Read the sentence and pay attention to the word in bold.
  2. Choose the word from the answer options that best matches the meaning of the word in bold.
  3. Check the meaning of each option to make sure you’ve selected the correct synonym.
Task 1

I hope you are not going to abandon your project.

Task 2

The abandoned boat was found miles away from the shore; they never found out who had been on it.

Task 3

The pilot changed direction abruptly, causing great panic in the plane.

Task 4

Larry was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven.

Task 5

The only cure for alcoholism is complete abstinence from alcohol.

Task 6

Panthotenic acid is abundant in eggs, peas and potatoes.

Task 7

Adrenalin has the effect of strengthening and accelerating the heartbeat.

Task 8

There was no access to the large garden of the house except a well- hidden gate.

Task 9

The Turners are looking for a little cabin in the woods where they won’t be accessible to their relatives.

Task 10

When Mrs. Bell was the director of the firm, her first accomplishment was to bring about better working conditions.

Task 11

A treasurer must account for every penny that he spends.

Task 12

Artificial insemination accounts for the birth of over half of dairy cows in the U. S. today.

Task 13

During the ten years he worked in Germany, he accumulated a fortune.

Task 14

I hope the weatherman has predicted accurately. If he has, we will have a perfect picnic tomorrow.

Task 15

Nobody knows where and how the son of the deceased politician acquired all his wealth.

Task 16

He is proud of his son who is an active and athletic youth.

Task 17

The musicians graduated from that school are adept at playing at least four instruments.

Task 18

The human ear admits only a very limited range of frequencies.

Task 19

Affluent nations have an obligation to help their neighbors; however, they quite often do just the opposites causing poor countries to be even poore

Task 20

Workers have ample time for recreation and educational pursuits because the work week consists of only 40 hours.

Explanation of New Words with Examples You Might Encounter in the Exercise

  • Abandon – (to leave, to give up on something)
    • Example: I hope you are not going to abandon your project.
    • Synonyms: give up completely, desert, forsake.
  • Abandoned – (left, deserted)
    • Example: The abandoned boat was found miles away from the shore.
    • Synonyms: deserted, forsaken.
  • Abruptly – (suddenly, unexpectedly)
    • Example: The pilot changed direction abruptly.
    • Synonyms: unexpectedly, suddenly.
  • Absorbed – (deeply interested in something)
    • Example: Larry was so absorbed in his novel.
    • Synonyms: engrossed, preoccupied.
  • Abstinence – (restraint, avoidance)
    • Example: The only cure for alcoholism is complete abstinence from alcohol.
    • Synonyms: avoidance, restraint.
  • Abundant – (plentiful, in large quantities)
    • Example: Pantothenic acid is abundant in eggs, peas, and potatoes.
    • Synonyms: plentiful, ample.
  • Accelerating – (speeding up, increasing speed)
    • Example: Adrenaline has the effect of strengthening and accelerating the heartbeat.
    • Synonyms: quickening, speeding up.
  • Access – (entry, a way in)
    • Example: There was no access to the large garden except a well-hidden gate.
    • Synonyms: entrance, approach.
  • Accessible – (easy to reach, available)
    • Example: The Turners are looking for a cabin where they won’t be accessible to their relatives.
    • Synonyms: reachable, approachable.
  • Accomplishment – (achievement, success)
    • Example: Her first accomplishment was improving working conditions.
    • Synonyms: achievement, success.
  • Account for – (to explain, to justify)
    • Example: A treasurer must account for every penny spent.
    • Synonyms: explain, justify.
  • Account – (to be responsible for, to explain the reason)
    • Example: Artificial insemination accounts for over half of dairy cows’ births.
    • Synonyms: is responsible for, leads to.
  • Accumulate – (to gather, to amass)
    • Example: He accumulated a fortune during his work in Germany.
    • Synonyms: gather, amass.
  • Accurately – (precisely, correctly)
    • Example: I hope the weatherman predicted accurately.
    • Synonyms: correctly, precisely.
  • Acquire – (to get, to obtain)
    • Example: He acquired a large amount of wealth mysteriously.
    • Synonyms: gain, obtain.
  • Active – (energetic, lively)
    • Example: His son is an active and athletic youth.
    • Synonyms: energetic, lively.
  • Affluent – (wealthy, prosperous)
    • Example: Affluent nations should help poorer countries.
    • Synonyms: wealthy, prosperous.
  • Ample – (sufficient, plenty of)
    • Example: Workers have ample time for recreation.
    • Synonyms: plenty of, sufficient.
  • Amicable – (friendly, good-natured)
    • Example: They reached an amicable agreement.
    • Synonyms: friendly, cordial.
  • Anticipate – (to expect, to foresee)
    • Example: The event was highly anticipated by the audience.
    • Synonyms: expect, foresee.

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