Boost Your English: Summer Vocabulary for Memorable Experiences

An essay about an unforgettable summer in English

Essay on an Unforgettable Summer in English

In this article, we’ll examine the essay “Make Your Summer Memorable,” which will help you learn new words and phrases to describe an unforgettable summer in English. Summer is a time for adventures and impressions. This article offers ideas and phrases that will help you not only enjoy summer but also correctly talk about your adventures and impressions in English. Let’s start by looking at interesting phrases and then their practical use with an essay about summer.

Phrases to describe summer vacation

Let’s consider several interesting English phrases that you can use to make your summer memorable. These phrases are useful for describing various summer activities and impressions:

To plunge in

  • Example: Let’s plunge in the cool water to escape the heat. Explanation: This phrase means to dive or jump into water, often used to describe quickly entering a body of water.

To get sunburnt

  • Example: If you don’t apply sunscreen, you’ll get sunburnt. Explanation: This refers to the painful reddening of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun.

To catch a tan

  • Example: I love to catch a tan while lying on the beach. Explanation: This phrase means to become tanned or bronzed by exposing your skin to the sun.

To apply a sunscreen lotion

  • Example: Don’t forget to apply a sunscreen lotion before you go outside. Explanation: This means to put on sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

To soak up the sun

  • Example: We spent the whole afternoon soaking up the sun. Explanation: This phrase describes basking in the sunlight, often for relaxation or to get a tan.

To sit in the shade

  • Example: It’s too hot; let’s sit in the shade for a while. Explanation: This means to rest in a cooler area protected from direct sunlight.

To shield one’s eyes from the sun

  • Example: She wore a hat to shield her eyes from the sun. Explanation: This phrase describes protecting one’s eyes from bright sunlight.

To lie on a deck chair

  • Example: I like to lie on a deck chair and read a book. Explanation: A deck chair is a folding chair often used for relaxing on beaches or by pools.

To splash at each other

  • Example: The kids had fun splashing at each other in the pool. Explanation: This describes playfully throwing water at one another.

To wrap up with a beach towel

  • Example: After swimming, I wrapped up with a beach towel to stay warm. Explanation: This means to cover oneself with a towel, often after swimming.

To make sand castles

  • Example: They spent the afternoon making sand castles by the shore. Explanation: This is a popular beach activity where people build structures out of sand.

To walk along the promenade

  • Example: We enjoyed walking along the promenade in the evening. Explanation: A promenade is a paved public walk, typically along a waterfront.

To take refreshments

  • Example: After a long walk, we decided to take refreshments at a nearby cafe. Explanation: This means to have a light snack or drink, often to restore energy.

To go on a yacht

  • Example: We had an amazing experience going on a yacht last summer. Explanation: This refers to sailing on a luxury boat, often for pleasure.

To drink cocktails

  • Example: They enjoyed drinking cocktails by the beach. Explanation: Cocktails are mixed alcoholic drinks, often associated with relaxation and holidays.

To eat a scoop of vanilla ice cream

  • Example: A perfect way to cool down is to eat a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Explanation: A scoop is a single serving of ice cream, often in a rounded shape.

To have a barbecue

  • Example: We plan to have a barbecue this weekend with our friends. Explanation: A barbecue is an outdoor meal where food is grilled over an open fire.

To go hiking

  • Example: They decided to go hiking in the mountains to enjoy the natural scenery. Explanation: Hiking means walking for a long distance, especially across country or in the woods.

To go on a road trip

  • Example: This summer, we are going on a road trip across the country. Explanation: A road trip is a long journey made by car, typically for pleasure.

To visit a festival

  • Example: We are excited to visit the music festival next month. Explanation: A festival is an organized series of events, often celebrating music, arts, or culture.

Practice: Essay in English – Make Your Summer Memorable

Read the essay and write about the missing words using the list: barbecue, beach, castles, cocktails, cream, deck, festival, going, memorable, plunge, shade, sun, sunburnt, take, tan.

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Make Your Summer Memorable

Summer is the perfect time to create unforgettable memories. Whether you prefer relaxing by the beach or embarking on exciting adventures, there are plenty of activities to make your summer special. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of your summer using interesting English phrases.
There's nothing better than spending a day at the beach. You can 1) in the cool water or catch a 2) under the sun. Don't forget to apply a sunscreen lotion to avoid getting 3) .
If you enjoy soaking up the 4) , make sure to occasionally sit in the 5)  to prevent overheating. Shield your eyes from the sun with a hat or sunglasses.
Water activities are always fun. You can lie on a 6)   chair and enjoy the sea view or splash at each other in the water. After swimming, it's nice to wrap up with a 7)   towel  and relax on the sand. Don't forget to make sand 8)   with kids or friends – it's a great activity for the whole family.
Summer evenings are perfect for walking along the promenade and enjoying the cool breeze and beautiful scenery. If you get hungry, you can 9)   refreshments from a nearby food court or cafe.
For those seeking more adventure, try going on a yacht. This is a great way to see the sea from a different perspective, enjoy the peace and quiet, or organize a small picnic on board.
Summer is also a time for tasty treats. What could be better than drinking 10)  on the beach or eating a scoop of vanilla ice 11)  on a hot day? These little pleasures make summer special.
Organize a 12)  with friends and family. It's a wonderful way to spend time together and enjoy delicious food. You can also go hiking  to explore nature and get some exercise. If you love traveling, consider 13)  on a road trip  to discover new places and create lasting memories.
Summer is full of festivals and events. Visit a 14)  to enjoy live music, food, and entertainment. It's a fantastic way to experience the local culture and meet new people.
This summer can be the best one yet if you fill it with bright moments and unforgettable experiences. Remember to enjoy fun beach activities, water adventures, outdoor walks, and delicious summer treats. Learn new English vocabulary and use it in practice, making your summer not only enjoyable but also beneficial for your personal growth.
Make your summer 15) !

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